I have returned to the US after spending a little more than two weeks in France. I enjoyed food, wine and chemistry during my visit. I was very fortunate to taste some excellent wine including the bottle you see to the right! It was amazing. Was it worth the price? Well, in my opinion, no wine is worth that much, but it truly was exceptional. I am now playing catch up with all the work that was left undone here.
I suppose on a chemistry blog, I should post some chemistry. Among the plethora of fine literature contributions I missed while I was gone was this interesting organocatalytic cascade reaction reported by List.
Jian Zhou and Benjamin List JACS ASAP. DOI: 10.1021/ja072134j
was it really $900+ for the bottle? or is my math wrong.
$900+ for 12 bottles I suppose... But still quite some money.
That would be the price for one bottle. I had a few others that were significantly cheaper ~$200/bottle. A once in a lifetime opportunity. I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time.
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