Friday, April 20, 2007

Cross Coupling of Anilines

A fascinating paper appeared on the JACS ASAP site this morning from Ueno, Chatani and Kakiuchi. They used a ruthenium catalyst to carry out a cross coupling of an aryl amine with a phenyl boronate. What is remarkable is the fact that the transition metal did oxidative addition to an aryl-nitrogen bond. Success of the reaction was dependent on having a chelating carbonyl group adjacent to the amine, however, this is still the first example of oxidative addition to a hitherto unreactive C-N bond.

Satoshi Ueno, Naoto Chatani, and Fumitoshi Kakiuchi, DOI: 10.1021/ja0713431


Anonymous said...

nice blog.very good information.
how are you able to draw molecules with different colors ??
I would be grateful to know the answer. thanks.

Javaslinger said...

I'm enjoying your blog quite a bit myself. Keep up the good work and maybe you'll make it to the blog bigtime! :)


Greg the Chemist said...

Thanks for the comments. I do what I can.

Infant, I use Chemdraw to create my structures.

Anonymous said...

Didn't MacMillan publish a suzuki reaction of dimethyl anilines in JACS 2005?

Unknown said...

Its JACS 2003 and its a suzuki with an anilinium salt. But I think it counts as having been the first activation of a C-N bond for cross coupling although using nickel instead of palldium.